Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Selamat Hari Raya, Victor Chin

Ruichi Sakamoto's composition for the 1983 movie, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence became a Christmas music in the US, Britain and Japan. 

The movie title is pun using the coming Hari Raya celebration to dedicate to the man in pursuit, Victor Chin. 

Set during World War II, the movie depicted a British colonel who "tries to bridge the cultural divides between a British P.O.W. and the Japanese camp commander in order to avoid blood-shed." 

The current Malaysian setting is the head of Corporate Mafia attempting to avoid financial blood-shed. 

He is already facing dissension within his fold, Banks pulling back credit lines, and dam bursting that could lead him and his syndicate of criminal involving network into law enforcement rounded up and charged for crimes.