Friday, September 13, 2024

YTL do not qualify for Johor's ART and other PPP projects

ART prototype in Kuching

On Monday September 9th, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim unveiled PIKAS 2030 or Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Masterplan, It aims to boost governance and management of projects under PPP framework or in the decades used parlance, privatisation.  

There will be more competitive bidding, transparent and merit-based to ensure good governance, free from corruption, and high standard of management. The "whole nation" approach will be used to build a progressive nation approach for all.

Taking that into account, then companies with a poor track record of governance, having their past unraveled and implicated in court cases should not be allowed to participate in any PPP projects. 

Any  application and bid put on hold pending investigation or revelation in court proceeding. Only then PMX seriousness for governance not taken lightly. One such company is YTL. 

YTL's bid for Johor's ART or MyHSR should not be considered, especially with the age old controversy is a hot conversation on social media and among the knowledgeable public. 

Their takeover of Ranhill should be reviewed by UKAS and government.

YTL proposal for ART? 

Johor government is considering to introduce Autonomous Rapid Transit (ART) as public transport for Johor Baru and YTL submitted a proposal. 

According to an article on written by a researcher on transportation system and urban planning, YTL proposed untested and over engineered ART solution is more deception than viable

The trackless train is heavier than the normal vehicle roaming JB roads, raised possible replacement and spares problem i.e. likely more expensive, hardly more different than conventional bus, more a gimmick for tourism, and cost more for local council. 

ART in Foshan, China

Even the plan for hydrogen powered ART for Foshan China, which will be used in Sarawak, have been suspended.   

More over, the YTL proposal for JB is costly since it will be a 100% elevated ART spanning over 50 km. The road in JB is too narrow and ART require a wide track, thus warrant an elevated ART with stations built. 

Using ART on existing road will cause massive jams. Commuter will curse the planners and decision maker.

According to April Edge report, Tabung Haji's Theta Edge is jointly in an ART proposal with SIPP Rail Sdn Bhd, Mobilus Sdn Bhd and Lion Pacific. 

Other proposal involved Ancom Bhd, Nylex (M) Bhd, LBS Bina Group Bhd, Sinar Bina Infra Sdn Bhd and BTS Group Holdings for the proven LRT system.  

To quote a comment by a Transport Consultant who shall remain anonymous, "government’s investment in improving public transport, even through options like ART, is crucial to achieving the right modal share." 

"However, technical risks and infrastructure challenges must be addressed by relevant agencies. The ART could potentially be replaced by a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or a tram if it proves inefficient or costly."

"The key is that any chosen mode should undergo thorough cost-benefit analysis, and all risks must have mitigation strategies."

Typical of YTL and their usual shock and awe approach to propose new technology as bait. For Paka IPP or turned out to be a con job which denied teachers and school children their due facility. 

Whichever it is, any new technologies must be trustworthy, ensured feasible and effective for Malaysia's transport system. 

At the end, most of the funds will eventually come from the Federal government. That is taxpayers money and it is rakyat that will be using the facilities, not the corporate tycoons, politicians and real decision maker!

YTL's chequered tatakelola history

It is a surprise that YTL is bidding against Berjaya and CRCC for the MyHSR. It is known that the ERL operated by YTL for KL City to KLIA raised suspicion of collusion. Apparently MAHB was forced to share with YTL a cut of the airport operation revenue. 

During Muhyiddin's short premiership, YTL almost managed to cajole the then PM to reroute the HSR route along their ERL track thus a trip to JB will have the ridiculous stopover at KLIA. One wonder how much is the incentive.

Better award it to direct CRCC. YTL or Berjaya are just topping up on the real constructor.

Recently, YTL acquired a controlling block in Ranhill Utilities, which have a water concession from Johor government, power plant in Sabah and solar farm in Bidor Perak. 

The acquisition was made through YTL Power via the subsidiary, SIPP Power which had a PPA from TNB but pulled out following a controversy from Francis's own uttered words back in 2014.     

Who could forget Francis Yeoh and the RM130 billion IPP scandal where it all started. It was revealed by Francis himself in a Bloomberg interview with Haslinda Amin many years ago. 

The IPP was an open secret of blatant collusion involving then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir and Tun Daim in which the late Tan Sri Ani Arope had reasons to suspect the nationwide blackout in 1992 was orchestrated

The billions are then "laundered in Singapore and other destinations as projects and businesses. Yet Francis had the cheek to once question crony capitalism.

Still hot in the public sphere is YTL and the project in which it was revealed by Mahathir 2.0's Education Minister, Maszlee Malik that the abuse of power was so blatant that it is not only limited to the award which was a higher bid than two telco consortiums.

YTL made billions by not abiding to the agreed terms, failed to offer a good service for teachers, they pull a fast one with poor service, not pay rent for the facility, burden the schools with the electricity bill, and no content were developed for students.

When Maszlee did not renew, they wielded the influence of Mahathir and Muhyiddin to sack him.     

The recent investigation by MACC on is heard to include investigation into a questionable award for Sabah optic cable installation to YTL in which it is the 6th in term of pricing. 

Despite the chequered past, YTL could thank their lucky star to work with high flying stock of Wall Street, Nvidia to operate a Data Centre in Johor Baru which will be connected to the dense network connecting points in Singapore

But that they should not be allowed to monopolise the water and energy input. Will that not deny the other data centres that will be operating in JB the needed water and electricity?

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