Monday, November 6, 2023

Mas Ermieyati cover-up Muhyiddin, Ismail Sabri for Covid 19 procurement

On October 30th, PAC Chairperson, Mas Ermieyati from Bersatu tabled a report on the management of the Covid 19 procurement of unusable Ventilators, RM505 million expired vaccine, and over purchase PPE. 

She exonerated Khairy for the ventilators purchase to pass the blame to Adham Baba. 

The early political frog that jump from UMNO to Bersatu in fear of being charged for allegedly receiving 1MDB money conveniently held back the names of the Ministry's top officials. 

Names such as the then KSU Dato Seri Dr Chen Chew Min, and Procurement SUB, Dato Wan Hashim Wan Rahim were the the talk within the close circle of Chinese businessmen for dictating the short-listing of suppliers and procurement. 

Had it not for the expose by The Corporate Secret portal on Saturday, they would remain hidden from public eye. 

The main players  

The portal also exposed the role of former Prime Ministers, Muhyiddin and Ismail Sabri in the procurement. No wonder TCS implicated Ismail for Pharmaniaga 50% drop in shares earlier in their March 1st posting here

With the prospect of the previous PN government Ministers implicated, Mas Ermieyati did a Humphrey Appleby to deviate the PAC proceeding towards effort by MOH to address the shortcomings. Right out of a "Yes Prime Minister" British sitcom playbook. 

The root of the procurement problem lies with Muhyiddin who as PM8 for 15 months from March 1st 2020 to August 16th, 2021 spent massive amount of unbudgeted spending for the Covid 19 effort. 

He used the emergency law to escape accountability. The procurement process was made opaque and direct negotiation allowed for his scheme of things to skim money for his party's warchest by topping up contractors and suppliers' quotation.

According to TCS, the main players in-cahoot with Muhyiddin were Ismail Sabri as Senior Miniser in charge of Defense, Adham as MOH, and Khairy as MOSTI to approve and clear suppliers and service providers.  

Adham was new as MOH, so he relied on the KSU Dr Chen and SUB Wan Hashim together with MOH DG Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham as the one determining the specification for the various direct negotiation, open and limited tenders.  

Confirming talks by insiders then, TCS revealed that Dr Chen and Wan Hashim determined the game and players in the purchase ventilators, PPE and vaccines. The voucher number 1200345 dated March 25th 2020 for the RM30 million upfront to Pharmaniaga Logistic for the ventilators were signed by them.    

The letter and Whass App message to the Managing Director are below:

According to TCS, Mr Wong is an officer to Dato Dr Wee Ka Siong who assisted the link to the China supplier. TCS raise issue with Wee but more releent, did PAC or authorities investigated Dr Chen?

Dr Chen was subsequently replaced by Datuk Shafiq Abdullah, who addressed the rampant abuses in the procurement at MOH during the wild west days of Muhyiddin's emergency. 

He was later promoted to be DG of Public Services Department, and rumoured to be next in line for Chief Secretary General. Following an incident with an Immigration official at the KLIA, Shafiq was terminated. The suspicion is he was in the way of PTD Mafia cartel. 

 Ismail Sabri-KJ and Sinovac 

Government spent RM5 billion for the vaccine in which the biggest two purchases were Pfizer and Sinovac. 

It was an open secret then and TCS claimed the first vaccine, Pfizer was controlled by Muhyiddin and Adham Baba, while Ismail Sabri and Khairy controlled Sinovac. Common presumption is they were financially renumerated. 

The role of coordinator for the vaccine program was assigned to Khairy by Muhyiddin over Adham Baba. 

Initially, Khairy's role was as broker to the vaccine suppliers and MOH insiders could identify his boys as agents for the companies. He was in control of the COVAC facility, Sinovac, Astrazeneca and Cansino. 

With his good buddy Ismail appointed Senior Minister and Defense Minister, it was convenient for Khairy to use LTAT controlled MOH medical supply company, Pharmaniaga as vehicle for the Sinovac purchases.  

According TCS, in which likely came from an insider source, when the first batch.od Sinovac vaccine arrived at KLIA at the end of February 2021, the vaccine had not received approval from NPRA which required clearance from Noor Hisham. 

For Pharmaniaga sake and probably there was political power play involved, NPRA immediately approved it. However during the booster stage, MOH stop offering Sinovac and prefered Pfizer and Astrazeneca. 

The supply was received at KLIA by Ismail and Khairy, Khairy personally promoted Sinovac vaccine by commiting himself as first recipient.

Subsequently Ismail announced an agreement with Sinovac China to supply 12 million vaccines in May 2021 before being appointed PM. 

Pharmaniaga made unusual profit but became more greedy and bold. When Ismail became Prime Minister, he ordered Khairy to buy more vaccine. Khairy revealed it on Keluar Sekejap podcast below:

There were sufficient vaccine but Khairy claimed Ismail insisted. It is odd of Khairy, who was instrumental to give Ismail the break to run for Bera in 2004, to relent and willingly oblige. 

Why did Mas Ermisyati not call Ismail Sabri to the PAC enquiry for causing Pharmaniaga to lose RM600 million and turned a profitable company into a PN17? 

And why is PAC deflecting investigation by sidestepping investigation to mitigation of the procurement procedure?

Ismail Sabri and Corporate Mafia Teleng

Ismail link into Covid medical procurement could be beyond Sinovac and Pharmaniaga. 

His underworld friend and known member of the group dubbed Corporate Mafia, Dato Seri Lim Kok Han (or known as Dato Teleng)(seen in Edisi Siasat celebrating his birthday) was also involved.

Teleng was close to Dr Chen and he was behind the direct negotiation scandal in the Lab Mitigation Solution for Covid 19 Project via Khazanah Jaya Sdn Bhd.     

A company with no track record and established reputation in the industry was awarded the contract with RM12.5 million advance payment from MOH. 

The scandal broke out following leakage of the above letters dated May 2020. The letter was signed by Dr Chen. Tan Boon Keong appear as shareholders.

The successful company awarded swap test at KLIA had Teleng behind too.

Khairy has also link to Teleng via his man, Firmansyah who was appointed by Corporate Mafia to be Chairman of Green Packet Berhad. Subsequently upon feeling the heat and the need to disperse, Teleng liquidated his shares and Firmansyah resigned to acquire control of GIIB

The link of Khairy to Corporate Mafia could be motivated by interest into the various App and IT system development planned by MOH. 

Khairy paid a RM70 millon system for Astrazneca online vaccinations that hardly works.    

He launched My Trace but it was not well received and forced it to be incorporated into MySejahtera. 

MySejahtera was developed by Singaporean and the shareholding structure had a proxy of a top PPBM leader, suspected to be Muhyiddin. The App Khairy brought in was supposed to be CSR but billed the government for RM338.6 million.   

Hope PMX is aware of this. His Madani government is being hoodwinked left right and centre. More ebarassing, the PPBM PAC Chairperson's cover up is done in broad daylight.


  1. Put them behind bars where they belong, innocent people died being vaccinated. And they profiteered.

  2. Put all these. Unscrupolous , So called thieves into prison for Life . They talk So much - trying to be Better than everyone . Of course , most of us know The corrupted ones for a long time. A 10 day Thief will be caught one day. That day has come.

    1. They should be sentenced to life or sentenced to death.They are responsible for numbers of death.Cold blooded murderers.

    2. Sack the PAC Chairperson

  3. There is no angel. Don’t hope for one too.

    1. They are not angel,they are thieves & asking us to believe them as angelsπŸ‚πŸŠπŸ˜‘

  4. All those involved in this scandal should be the maximum punishment I.e

  5. that is chop them into pcs and throw them as lunch for the crocodiles.

  6. Corruption and loss of intergrity is normal religious societies as long as extremism exists the minority can do nothing about it
    . This is Kaliyuga

  7. All the rascals involved in this fiasco should paraded naked in Dataran Merdeka. The public should be allowed to stone them to death.

  8. All this corrupted rascals who blundered billions and ordered vaccines that not being utilise,should use all the expired vaccines and jabbed them.

  9. Our past, present and future political environment is "DON'T ROCK THE BOAT."πŸ˜”πŸ˜ͺ😭

  10. Such deep ramifications! ‘Don’t rock the boat’ is right n it should stop with this government otherwise the boat is going to sink. It is time to rock the boat with a new team of selfless individuals willing to work n bring back proper work ethics to public servants n politicians, who incidentally are also servants to the people. Put them in their place n start a NEW CULTURE of ACCOUNTABILITY!!

  11. The scourge of corruption in hh places is deeply entrenched involving many VVIPS .
    Realistically lwe need a SUPER CLEAN and brave Knight to take charge with an equally able and truly patriotic quality to get Malaysia out of this quicksand and soon , otherwise we will sink deeper and deeper into this shithole
    Do I see any possibility of this happening ? Very unlikely .
