Sunday, June 9, 2024

Is Murray Hunter linked to and funded by Kalimullah, NMY?

On Wednesday June 5th, Murray Hunter issued a strongly worded statement against MCMC Chairman entitled "Salem the censorship czar". He took the opportunity of the uproar over MCMC blocking FBs criticising and calling on Hannah Yeoh to resign. 

Sources deep inside MCMC claimed Salem is not at fault, but that is not the issue of this posting. 

Yesterday June 8th, Sabahkini2 portal lashed at Murray, as written in Malay, "Sekatan laman sesawang, mengapa Murray Hunter sakit hati dengan Tan Sri Salim Pengerusi SKMM?"

The Sabah based portal had issue with the former UUM lecturer turned Bangkok based paid writer since their December last year posting, "An Australian in Thailand who is obsessed with Malaysia". They reported on a police report made against him in May

Sabahkini2 invited curiousity for calling on MACC to investigate Kalimullah and Nor Mohamed Yakcop from out of the blue. It is strange to group them as Pak Lah's cronies in the next day posting, "MACC's selective pursuit: A blind eye towards Pak Lah's cronies".   

This is in a matter of hours from the earlier posting, thus is there a connection between Kalimullah and Nor Yakcop with Murray?

One thing for sure, Murray and Kalimullah are critical of Anwar Ibrahim. 

One can judge from Murray's website here that he is likely a hired writer in a similar vein to Sarawak Report's Clare Rewcastle Brown to run the Unity Government down. For reasons not to be disclosed, he is believed to be doing it for PAS.

While the man once dubbed by Mahathir as Hindu God Muslim Priest left a cynical comment against Anwar Ibrahim that he once supported, below:

To reply to Kalimullah name calling of PMX as a fool, the money he made from a certain national infrastructure project could certainly help elevate poverty had he sincerely wanted to do instead of being politically cynical.  

Maybe it is hinted by Rocky Bru here or its some other project. Nevertheless something is brewing on the 5G project and DNB. If Kalimullah has interest there, he would be done with past political association and it is to his advantage to knock PMX out of Putrajaya. 

Off-hand there is no visible connection between Kalimullah and Nor Yakcop with Murray. However one should recall in the early days of Najib, a grouping calling themselves Jaringan Muda Melayu (JMM) accused Kalimullah funding the portal The Malaysia Insider (TMI).

TMI was highly critical of the government then and JMM claimed they were funded by Efficient e-Solution Sdn Bhd. The owner is one Shaikh Aqmal whose allegedly linked to forex trader extraordinaire, Nor Mohamed Yakcop. 

One can read through the links in this February 2010 posting of a once top pro-UMNO blog, Gerakan Anti-PKR here. Another blog here posted the same subject and had grouped the two petsonalities as Geng Pak Lah, similar to Sabahkini2's Pak Lah's cronies. 

Wonder why the need to still link them to the old and feeble Pak Lah.     

Kalimullah had then responded to deny the allegation. Naturally, the burden of proof is on the accuser to rebut his denial. Unfortunately there was no follow-up.

Nevertheless, the alleged past role of Efficient e-Solution cannot be ignored. The ruffling of leaves could indicate wind blowing at the trees or monkeys jumping branch to branch.   

Interestingly, Edge Online revealed in 2019 here of Jho Low's money flow to Sheikh Aqmal and Efficient e-Solution too. So the possibility of Kalimullah and Nor Yakcop funding Murray cannot be ruled out.

Compared to Kalimullah in which talk is he is chummy with Tong Kooi Ong (a former Anwar supporter turned hater), Nor Yakcop is talked within the business circle to have more business interest from government projects and contracts.

It is no surprise should he be hauled up by MACC especially involving BNM's collosul forex loss.

And do not be surprise should his name surface from the Pandora Paper-like expose by a consortium of international journalist, called Dubai Unlocked

Malayians are reported to own RM1.5 bllion worth of properties in Dubai. 


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