Friday, October 4, 2024

From Bloomberg to Murray Hunter, how to misled public with false claim

According to Dato Lokman Nor Adam, Bloomberg became the spokesman for Tun Daim and his wife Toh Puan Naemah to create a false claim that MACC were instructed by the Prime Minister to investigate him and his wife. [Go to his FB here and here]

Its obviously another of Daim's delay tactic to buy time from making his asset declaration. The old man has not exhausted his bag of tricks. Its a matter of time he will resort to claim of suffering from serious mental health to evade trial. 

An old trick was to have foreign media float a claim and other media viral the media report. In this case, the wife make a police report as though it is the truth that vindicated them

One wonder why a so-called credible foreign media willing to be an accomplice to cover up alleged crime?  

Whether Bloomberg was in cahoot with Daim or not, they misled other media to report YTL Chairman  accompanied Agong in the recent China official visit to negotiate with China for funding to revive Najib's MyHSR project. 

A local business portal and of all, a reputable international relation portal bought into Bloomberg spin hook, line and sinker. Rocky Bru was amazed with Bloomberg's ability to use the word "alleged" to misled other media and cast a bad aspersion of the King

There is a list on when media lie by using certain phrases. 

Bloomberg is also in the fray with accusation Anwar instructed MACC to spare investigation on Farhasy. Since Farhasy's name is badly smeared, he should spare Anwar and just sue a list of people.  

Now it is not Bloomberg but Murray Hunter. Hate to pick on the Australian blogger again. 

Read on in Sabahkini2 here.

Back in June, we exposed him as doing the bidding for a retired journalist and whether he was paid to do it, it is of no consequence. He is still senselessly picking on the MCMC and its executive chairman Tan Sri Salim Fateh Din.

We are no fan of both too since they continue to disappoint us by blocking our original blog, ABITW despite the change in Minister from the ruthless Annuar Musa. 

But these two names kept appearing on our timeline and it is the same old gripe about censorship. Honestly it's gettin' wee bit annoying.

Murray has accused Salim of using his position to block his website to silence his queries on the Shah Alam Stadium redevelopment project which is undertaken by MRCB - of which Salim is the executive vice chairman.

In his Oct 2 posting on substack he said it has been a year since he has been blocked without any explanation and repeated his accusation against Salim of abuse of power by using the MCMC to stop raising issues on this project.

If the intention is to block Murray, how come everyone, yours truly included, can still access his jontings on substack? Our friends can't access ABITW without going through proxy site, but are we sulking endlessly?

Eff it! This Murray fella thinks too much of himself. 

Malaysians have also been asking about this project. One of them is Razak Ismail of the Green Party who confronted the Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari at a town hall. 

Me no fan of Razak either but at least he has the guts to confront powerful decision makers directly with no safety net.

Sipping Thai tea while watching water buffaloes in Hat Yai? 

Murray on the other hand is safely tucked away in a picturesque village in Haatyai from where he launches his attacks. 

He is probably contemplating how to further damage our country's reputation while watching buffaloes from his verandah as he sips his Thai tea.

It is not unusual for foreign observers to write about the Malaysian economy, our politics, and how Islam is practised here. It is for their audience of business people, students and travellers. 

But when an Australian living in Thailand continuously whacks our country, we do wonder what his motivatons are, and to put it bluntly his paymasters. 

Murray's Thap thim krob?

It is a pity many fellow Malaysians are swallowing his drivel like a delicious bowl of thap thim krob.

Yes, like all nations, Malaysia has its issues. 

But we can resolve our own problems without another war mongering, hypocritical former colonialist, and pretensiously virtuous Mat Salleh from the morally decayed western civilisation sticking his nose into our business. 

Aforesaid Razak is one fine example. 

From what we've been reading of Murray's blog being blocked after he dragged the Sultan of Selangor into the Stadium issue, his previous postings on the project was untouched. 

However when he brought in the Palace, it resulted in an automatic 3R violation which resulted in the website being blocked. 

Murray was a lecturer at University of Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). He was terminated in August 2015. Could this be the reason he keeps picking on Malaysia? 

Because he lost his job?

Perhaps he is bitter that Malaysian values do not tolerate a particular lifestyle? Who knows really? 

But his dragging royalty in spooked UniMAP enough to distance itself from their ex staff.

“The University of Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) is taking the incident involving a writer’s statement against the palace regarding the Shah Alam stadium project very seriously, as it involves issues of religion, race, and the position of the Malay rulers (3R).

“In this regard, UniMAP emphasises that the writer in question, Murray Hunter, was terminated as a university lecturer on August 14, 2015, and has no association with this university,” a press release said.

Now the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has since stressed healthy discussion on 3R is allowed but not insults and defamation. 

Meanwhile Salim is a big boy who has the resources to defend himself. He has dragged bloggers, journalists, politicians even business associates to court. And what would you know, apparently he won all his cases. 

Perhaps Murray will now accuse our judges of being in the pockets of corporate leaders. 

So for Malaysians like ourself we do wonder how much "foreign observers" like Murray really know about this country when they refer to Salim as an Umno stalwart like Murray has. Since when? 

Salem UMNO stalwart? Murray's train left the station a year and half ago ...   

Love Salim. Despise Salim. He is no politician. Definitely not an Umno stalwart!

So for Murray Hunter, despite what he may think, we poor stupid clueless tree dwelling Malaysians know our issues better and know how to resolve them.

Keep your white saviour complex to yourself. 

Perhaps write more about issues in your adopted country. Oh wait you can't. Because any mention of Thai royalty will be jail time - a violation of Thailand's strict Les Mejeste laws where punishment is more severe than our 3R violations. 

Murray should show some backbone. Come across the border and face the people you are criticising.

Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil is among the most accessible ministers. You can actually walk up to him at an event and engage in a conversation. Yours truly is a regular critic and so far remained untouched. 

An amusing column on his countryman's website for writers here

So this orang putih is not so brave after all. 

In Malaysia, even the Prime Minister is someone you can easily walk up to and write to share view and express grievances. 

Try at his Friday prayer sessions where he meets the community. We've actually experienced it ourselves much to our own surprise. And it was after Friday prayers many years ago. 

Off late, we are lazy to meet up with VVIPs. 

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