Wednesday, June 19, 2024

[Up-dated] JMB scandal is a China-linked scam?

Picking up from the last posting here on the KL Condo King involvement in what was described by a newly established portal as JMB scandal, the blog Makcik Kiah here hinted that the JMB Cartel operators allegedly scheming off management fee at Icon Residence may not be Malaysians.

A source claim that the Assistant to MP for Kepong and former MP for Segambut, Chua Choon Yin and JMB Treasurer, Seow Choo Kiong may not be Malaysians. They neither could understand and speak Malay and English, nor converse in any local Chinese dialects spoken in Malaysia. 

They only speak Mandarin, which according to the observation of a Malaysian Chinese, it is not the Mandarin spoken by Malaysians, but that of Chinese in China. 

If they hold a Malaysian passport or NRIC, the validity of the documents need to be investigated. Is it for real or bought from much talked about a criminal syndicate involving insiders in the NRD or Immigration or MOH or other agencies generating the documents for citizenship? 

Its not too difficult to trace the validity of the milestones of their life. 

See the video below of Seow talking to the residence and any local Chinese can spot from afar:

Notice his rough demeanour and the antagonistic manner Seow spoke to the residence. 

To Malaysians, the tone and volume of voice is considered as rude and obnoxious. It is not the common behaviour of Malaysians, but typical of PRC Chinese!       

Both are allegedly part of the DAP cartel that is involved beyond the JMB or Joint Management Body before a formal and permanent Management Committee is formed. 

They insist to JMB not be disbanded and remain in operation. Directive of DBKL's Commissioner of Building (COB) and court ignored. 

The control they have over JMB allegedly enabled them to divert the accumulated management fee from the residence via padded contracts and outsourcing of services to their related companies.

Adding to the curiosity, the Chairman of JMB placed by the cartel is one Liu Wetke. He is from PRC, holds a PRC passport, and strangely with a Malaysian multi-entry visa. 

He neither lives in the condominium nor is working. His visa would have prohibited him from working. Apparently he is said to be the Chairman of JMBs of other condominiums.

Update: 20/6/2024 10:37 AM 

This is an urgent matter which requires the attention of the Home Ministry and investigation by the relevant authorities on the issuance of NRICs and passports.

According to sources, there have been elements of abuse of power, which is suspected to involve bribery, interfering with the due process. 

The residence have raised the matter with the current member of Parliament, Hannah Yeoh. 

She seemed non-committal and merely giving words of comfort to look into the matter or explicitly saying she cannot do much but will try. It was interpreted to mean she dare not lockhorns with Lim Lip Eng, whose an open secret is Lim Kit Siang's blue-eye boy.

It is believed Lim Lip Eng have been approached by media for comments since he appeared before the COB in defense of JMB at DBKL. He refused to respond and cited the excuse will not make public comment on a matter subjected to MACC investigation. 

This could implicate the Minister for Housing and Local Government, Nga Kor Meng. He seemed prepared and already hired 200 cybertrooper he described as Online Ambassador for his Ministry. 

Ah politicians! 

They seldom admit their wrongdoings. Admitting guilt and apologise means losing face. Prefer to retaliate or do close door intervention. The likelihood to save themselves than solve the predicament of the victimised residence. 

There are serious flaws with the JMB and MC system in this country. From the Icon Residence incident, there are indications politicians and China scammers are exploiting it with the excuse this is how it is done in China. 

Read Star Online below:   

‘Review Strata Management Act’


METRO NEWS Monday, 17 Jun 2024

A REVIEW of the Strata Management Act 2013 is needed to ensure existing laws and regulations are relevant and effective, says Selangor housing and culture committee chairman Borhan Aman Shah.

He said the law needs to address emerging challenges faced by joint management bodies (JMB) and management corporations (MC).

Borhan said the Housing and Local Government Ministry should consider providing more funds and grants to JMB and MC to assist them in implementing maintenance and repair projects.

“Provide more training and capacity building for JMB and MC members as well as building management agents,” he said during the Strata Residential Building Management Enhancement Seminar at a convention centre in Shah Alam.

Borhan said the ministry should introduce new technology for strata management.

“This includes the use of mobile apps and digital management systems to streamline the daily operations of JMB and MC in enhancing management efficiency,” he said.

He also suggested that personal accident insurance packages be included for JMB and MC committee members under the amended law to motivate them to carry out their duties.

He said for example, when the JMB or MC carried out maintenance checks and the elevator in an apartment was faulty, their safety could be at risk.

Such checks, Borhan said were made without any guarantee that they would be compensated in the event of an untoward incident.

“There is nothing to ensure their safety or welfare, and many felt burdened when carrying out their jobs.

“Besides the insurance, JMB should be allocated additional grants to enable them to carry out their responsibilities without having to worry about their safety.

Borhan advised those involved in managing apartments to attend seminars to empower and update themselves on governance system for JMB and MC.

Watch this blog for more. 

Update: 23/6/2024 9:53 PM

Ketua Penerangan Pemuda MCA Neow Choo Seong hadir di IPD Sentul untuk memberi keterangan berkait dakwaan ‘kartel JMB’ yang dikaitkan dengan seorang wakil rakyat DAP.

Ketua Penerangan Pemuda MCA Neow Choo Seong hadir di IPD Sentul untuk memberi keterangan berkait dakwaan ‘kartel JMB’ yang dikaitkan dengan seorang wakil rakyat DAP.

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