Need to repeat it again, the problem could have been avoided had Petronas been mindful of the increasing sensitivity of MA63 in Sabah and Sarawak, admit their fault and discontinue the grave "mistakes" committed, and not acted arrogantly.
Given the fiscal constrain of the Federal Government to reduce subsidy, large expenditure for government salary and pension, and low tax collection, Petronas exacerbated the financial situation presently worsening due to the current global economic and trade turmoil.
Petronas have been rushing to expedite Najib-era initiated "reimagined" new path on the possibility oil could either dry up or the industry is no more ESG acceptable to financiers. Its CEO recently raised the bleak possibility of Petronas may not exist in 10 years. Latest net profit for 2024 of RM55.1 billion is a shrinkage by 32% rom 2023. It has been falling since 2021.
Its a global trend!
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