Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Competitiveness had been sliding since 2010

Recently, a political friend passed a remark, "Sudah lain macam" for our assessment on the state of the nation and public reaction to inflation and rationalisation of fuel subsidy. He noticed a defensive tone towards Anwar's policy. 

Admittedly this blogger is not as political as we used to be. Whether it is in this blog or personal Facebook, stance taken has been less partisan and as much as possible, refrain from engaging in usual political brickbats.

The fiscal numbers does not add up. And, the economic environment is challenging and uncertain. It certainly has nothing to do with any change in attitude towards IMF neoliberal policies or political conversion into an Anwar supporter. 

And prior to GE15, a former Minister confided his concern Malaysia could be heading Sri Lanka way. Ever since the primary concern is the state of the nation's economy and politics take a back seat. 

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Is GIP needed because China's BRI fund dried up?

The political public chose to ignore the poser made in this blog's May 30th posting, "Beyond Blackrock and Zionism: Taking MAHB private". They remained worked up understandably driven by the Gaza genocide sentiment and provocation by Dr Mahathir and Khairy Jamaluddin

Attempts to get some answers from those with access to Khazanah seemed futile. Thus far, its basically the usual corporate communication shit of saying a lot of things and in fanciful jargons, but tells nothing outside the usual cliche narratives. 

More so, the poor communication by the present Unity Government with Fahmi Fadzil as the glowing poster boy for freedom of expression on social media contributes much to mislead and raise public scepticism of government policies and initiatives. 

No government entity took the effort to engage and fulfill this blogger's desire to know why the Global Infrastructure Partner (GIP) route was taken for an impending corporate and presumably, fund raising exercise? 

And, why was UEM positioned as holding company for the MAHB shares warehoused under the Khazanah-EPF controlled consortium, Gateway Development Alliance (GDA)?  

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[Updated] Diverting JMB Scandal's court decision next week

There is a High Court date before Dato Wan Farid on Monday July 1st with regard to the JMB Scandal in Segambut which implicated the MP for Kepong, Lim Lip Eng. With the fact of the case in order and the formalities already done, a swift decision is expected. 

The "illegal" Joint Management Body (JMB) of Icon Residence is trying hard to obstruct the legal transfer of management to the Management Committee (MC) through appeals, application of stay and judicial reviews.

Time is not on their side because the Tribunal Court have decided on April 5th that JMB is illegal and it should be dissolve within three months from the date of the first AGM on February 22nd which is May 22nd. 

A request of stay have been dismissed by the High Court on May 3rd. 

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