Friday, July 26, 2024

July data to ascertain real impact of diesel rationalisation

Together with his "bodoh" and "bangang" remark, Rafizi Ramli's smirll as he hinted of a surprise on the RON 95 rationalisation plan during the Sungai Bakap by-election campaign may have cost PKR an embarassing loss.

Anwar had to immediately deny of an immediate plan for RON 95 and few days ago, he reiterated again with the excuse the impact of the diesel rationalisation need to be ascertain. A Bank report claimed a faster-than-expected growth allowed for the postphonement

So this blog will look into it the impact as well. 

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who could make their country great: Trump or Xi?

The Democrats campaigners are claiming Donald Trump have grown scared and regretted his choice for VP. 

They claim Joe Biden's endorsed replacement, Kamala Harris is neck-on-neck on the polls. The Presidential race is made to be a confrontation between a Prosecutor against a convicted felon.

Assuming it is only a political hype, the hypothetical bet before campaign get into full gear favours Trump to be the next US President. Thus the question of interest would be: What the world would be like with his return? 

This time around, the China, which Trump picked a fight in his first term of office, pose a serious threat, at least economically, to the American hegemony and unipolar status. What is to happen under Trump who intend to make America great again (#MAGA)? 

How will he do that?  

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

HRDC threat to sue Edge likely motivated to cover-up wrongdoings

The murmurs surrounding the going-on at the Human Resource Ministry particularly HRF and HRD Corp was loud during the PN government and under the MIC Deputy President, Dato Seri M Saravanan. There were much talked about within the human resource training industry. 

So, the current noise over HR Ministry or HRDF or HRDC is not the first time. In April last year, a senior officer to the then Minister of Human Resource, V Sivakumar was detained. Till today, the conversation remain over the delivery of the said RM97 million caught on tape. The admissibility of the evidence is another issue. 

Public suspect a cover-up because the Minister is from DAP. Its for the same reason current Minister Steven Sim is being criticised for inaction. However, on record, Steven did the right thing and was acknowledged by PPBM-chaired PAC for appointing an independent professional auditor.     

There was also a "visit" by MACC to the HRDF office back in April 2019. And, although Saravanan denied, the talk back then was of an MACC raid on the Human Resource Ministry back in July 2022

The reputation of the HR Ministry had long preceded them that whisteblower Edisi Siasat dare to point their finger at Saravanan, MIC President Vigneswaran, CEO Shahul Hameed, and the naturalised Malaysian and Corporate Mafia-linked owner of Bestinet , Amin Bangla.

It is no surprise that PAC, Auditor General and MACC pursued HRDC. Thus, there is no reason HRDC should threaten to sue the Edge for the following expose. 

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Simpsons predicted Trump re-election, US economic collapse and WW3

"Donald Trump shouted, "Wait! Wait! to his security service details, who wanted him of the platform. where a gun came within millimetres of ending the former President's life. Trump stood up and got the image he wanted. It's him standing bloodied and unbowed. 

With that image, the Presidential race might already be over. I very much doubt the obviously failing Joe Biden or even a stand-in can save the situation for the democrat." 

That was the opening words by David Hearts, Editor-in-Chief for the Middle East Eye in his Tik Tok commentary for the foreign policy of new UK Prime Minister, Keir Starmer in the light of Trump re-election. 

Centuries earlier, French astrologer, Nostradamus predicted Donald Trump to be the 45th US President in 2016 and potential return of the "white dragon" in 2024 to bring the country into chaos caused by violence ad turmoil. So did the uncanny satirical sitcom, The Simpson's which predicted his re-election and an ensuing economic collapse.  

In the meanwhile, Nobel Laurette in Economics, Joseph Stigliez forecasted a Trump win will see higher inflation, lower growth and further inequality. Still short of a collapse, Stigliez is a New Keynesian in which his political comfort lies with the Democrats. 

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Did MACC's Director of Investigation allegedly "killed" Teoh Beng Hock?

Today is the anniversary of the death of Teoh Beng Hock. In the morning of July 16th, 2009, he was found dead on a rooftop adjacent to the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam where MACC Selangor office was. 

There was a demonstration walk towards the Parliament yesterday and skirmishes broke out between the police and demonstrators with the usual exchanges of words

On the 15th anniversary, his death is not forgotten and continue to be remembered. The family still not given up to seek justice for him. 

A quote from Grover Cleveland, "A cause is worth fighting for worth fighting for till the end." And the same expected of the Najib diehards. 

Cynical of Lim Kit Siang and DAP's attitude of excessive politicizing of the death, this blogger was initially defensive of MACC. 

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Inflation concern override JP Morgan and Forbes appraisal

There was a bit of excitement on the economic front last week following JP Morgan re-rating Malaysia from an underweight rating since 2018 to neutral. Its a more encouraging news than the maintainance of rating by S&P Global at A- and Fitch as BBB+.

In the meanwhile, Forbes gave a glowing review for Anwar Ibrahim to credit him for turning around the economy. And, there have been positive indications on first quarter GDP growth, announced FDI, turnaround in export from 2023 decline, and lower unemployment for May.   

However, survey by Ipsos reported in June found 7 out of 10 Malaysians were pessimistic of the economy. Rising cost of goods and inflation arising from the anticipated "withdrawal" of subsidies contributed to it. Thus far its only diesel subsidy that was rationalise, not Ron 95 yet. 

Fahmi is already paranoid with public expressing their forecasted timeline for withdrawal of fuel subsidy. 

Market analysts does it all the time. Is he going to use MCMC against them especially with analysts expecting inflation to move higher in second half of 2024? Pursue government agency, MARC too?

Star Online today below:

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Friday, July 12, 2024

26 years after Reformasi: "Korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme" remain at large

Between the gecko and the crocodile



INDONESIA has seen bigger corruption cases before but never this brazen.

A former minister allegedly used his ministry’s funds like his own piggy bank.

He went for umrah with his family, bought skincare and perfume for his daughter and granddaughter, gave his wife “pocket money”, threw a durian feast, organised a lavish circumcision ritual for his grandson and paid for his son’s monthly car installments – all using government money. He even allegedly put on the payroll a dangdut singer for almost two years.

The extent of his audacity is mind-boggling. It is unthinkable that anyone would believe he can get away with such acts.

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