Friday, July 26, 2024

July data to ascertain real impact of diesel rationalisation

Together with his "bodoh" and "bangang" remark, Rafizi Ramli's smirll as he hinted of a surprise on the RON 95 rationalisation plan during the Sungai Bakap by-election campaign may have cost PKR an embarassing loss.

Anwar had to immediately deny of an immediate plan for RON 95 and few days ago, he reiterated again with the excuse the impact of the diesel rationalisation need to be ascertain. A Bank report claimed a faster-than-expected growth allowed for the postphonement

So this blog will look into it the impact as well. 

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Who could make their country great: Trump or Xi?

The Democrats campaigners are claiming Donald Trump have grown scared and regretted his choice for VP. 

They claim Joe Biden's endorsed replacement, Kamala Harris is neck-on-neck on the polls. The Presidential race is made to be a confrontation between a Prosecutor against a convicted felon.

Assuming it is only a political hype, the hypothetical bet before campaign get into full gear favours Trump to be the next US President. Thus the question of interest would be: What the world would be like with his return? 

This time around, the China, which Trump picked a fight in his first term of office, pose a serious threat, at least economically, to the American hegemony and unipolar status. What is to happen under Trump who intend to make America great again (#MAGA)? 

How will he do that?  

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

HRDC threat to sue Edge likely motivated to cover-up wrongdoings

The murmurs surrounding the going-on at the Human Resource Ministry particularly HRF and HRD Corp was loud during the PN government and under the MIC Deputy President, Dato Seri M Saravanan. There were much talked about within the human resource training industry. 

So, the current noise over HR Ministry or HRDF or HRDC is not the first time. In April last year, a senior officer to the then Minister of Human Resource, V Sivakumar was detained. Till today, the conversation remain over the delivery of the said RM97 million caught on tape. The admissibility of the evidence is another issue. 

Public suspect a cover-up because the Minister is from DAP. Its for the same reason current Minister Steven Sim is being criticised for inaction. However, on record, Steven did the right thing and was acknowledged by PPBM-chaired PAC for appointing an independent professional auditor.     

There was also a "visit" by MACC to the HRDF office back in April 2019. And, although Saravanan denied, the talk back then was of an MACC raid on the Human Resource Ministry back in July 2022

The reputation of the HR Ministry had long preceded them that whisteblower Edisi Siasat dare to point their finger at Saravanan, MIC President Vigneswaran, CEO Shahul Hameed, and the naturalised Malaysian and Corporate Mafia-linked owner of Bestinet , Amin Bangla.

It is no surprise that PAC, Auditor General and MACC pursued HRDC. Thus, there is no reason HRDC should threaten to sue the Edge for the following expose. 

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Simpsons predicted Trump re-election, US economic collapse and WW3

"Donald Trump shouted, "Wait! Wait! to his security service details, who wanted him of the platform. where a gun came within millimetres of ending the former President's life. Trump stood up and got the image he wanted. It's him standing bloodied and unbowed. 

With that image, the Presidential race might already be over. I very much doubt the obviously failing Joe Biden or even a stand-in can save the situation for the democrat." 

That was the opening words by David Hearts, Editor-in-Chief for the Middle East Eye in his Tik Tok commentary for the foreign policy of new UK Prime Minister, Keir Starmer in the light of Trump re-election. 

Centuries earlier, French astrologer, Nostradamus predicted Donald Trump to be the 45th US President in 2016 and potential return of the "white dragon" in 2024 to bring the country into chaos caused by violence ad turmoil. So did the uncanny satirical sitcom, The Simpson's which predicted his re-election and an ensuing economic collapse.  

In the meanwhile, Nobel Laurette in Economics, Joseph Stigliez forecasted a Trump win will see higher inflation, lower growth and further inequality. Still short of a collapse, Stigliez is a New Keynesian in which his political comfort lies with the Democrats. 

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Did MACC's Director of Investigation allegedly "killed" Teoh Beng Hock?

Today is the anniversary of the death of Teoh Beng Hock. In the morning of July 16th, 2009, he was found dead on a rooftop adjacent to the 5th floor of Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam where MACC Selangor office was. 

There was a demonstration walk towards the Parliament yesterday and skirmishes broke out between the police and demonstrators with the usual exchanges of words

On the 15th anniversary, his death is not forgotten and continue to be remembered. The family still not given up to seek justice for him. 

A quote from Grover Cleveland, "A cause is worth fighting for worth fighting for till the end." And the same expected of the Najib diehards. 

Cynical of Lim Kit Siang and DAP's attitude of excessive politicizing of the death, this blogger was initially defensive of MACC. 

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Inflation concern override JP Morgan and Forbes appraisal

There was a bit of excitement on the economic front last week following JP Morgan re-rating Malaysia from an underweight rating since 2018 to neutral. Its a more encouraging news than the maintainance of rating by S&P Global at A- and Fitch as BBB+.

In the meanwhile, Forbes gave a glowing review for Anwar Ibrahim to credit him for turning around the economy. And, there have been positive indications on first quarter GDP growth, announced FDI, turnaround in export from 2023 decline, and lower unemployment for May.   

However, survey by Ipsos reported in June found 7 out of 10 Malaysians were pessimistic of the economy. Rising cost of goods and inflation arising from the anticipated "withdrawal" of subsidies contributed to it. Thus far its only diesel subsidy that was rationalise, not Ron 95 yet. 

Fahmi is already paranoid with public expressing their forecasted timeline for withdrawal of fuel subsidy. 

Market analysts does it all the time. Is he going to use MCMC against them especially with analysts expecting inflation to move higher in second half of 2024? Pursue government agency, MARC too?

Star Online today below:

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Friday, July 12, 2024

26 years after Reformasi: "Korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme" remain at large

Between the gecko and the crocodile



INDONESIA has seen bigger corruption cases before but never this brazen.

A former minister allegedly used his ministry’s funds like his own piggy bank.

He went for umrah with his family, bought skincare and perfume for his daughter and granddaughter, gave his wife “pocket money”, threw a durian feast, organised a lavish circumcision ritual for his grandson and paid for his son’s monthly car installments – all using government money. He even allegedly put on the payroll a dangdut singer for almost two years.

The extent of his audacity is mind-boggling. It is unthinkable that anyone would believe he can get away with such acts.

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Thursday, July 11, 2024

Will PPBM retaliate with 11 BN MPs support Muhyiddin?

On June 27th last month as a pre-cursor to the Sungai Bakap by-election and to psyche voters, PAS member and Chairman of Muafakat Nasional, Annuar Musa predicted 11 BN MPs will "jump ship" by offering support to Muhyiddin should Parliament Speaker Johari Abdul not declare the 6 sacked PPBM MPs' seats as vacant.

This is not the first time Annuar have been crying wolf with the same theme to psyche supporting UMNO members. He made such prediction for August 4th and September 4th 2023, in which on both occasion it did not happen. 

No harm trying Annuar. 

He was immediately rebuked by Zahid's Political Secretary Razlan. And UMNO Secretary General, Asyraf Wajidi doubt any MP would dare

Apparently, Dewan Rakyat Speaker, Johari Abdul have made a decision that the six seats are not vacate and PPBM has given a press statement of protest. Muhyiddin gave his selective legal argument for sacked MPs as technically party hoppedargument for sacked MPs as technically party hopped.

Though in contrary to PAS's Kelantan assembly Speaker Nik Amar, who declared the Nenggiri state assembly seat as vacant, Johari chose to stick by the constitution and ignore PPBM amendment to their party constitution.      

Now that Johari has "thrown down the gauntlet", will Annuar be able to convince the 11 BN MPs do so?

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Lost to ISO certified candidate

PKR was given a nasty bite of reality for losing last Saturday's Sungai Bakap by-election. 

Not only Institiut Darul Ehsan's predication of a PH narrow win did not materialise, PAS widen their 2023 majority of 1,563 votes to 4,388 votes on a voters' turnout reduced from 74.6% to 61.7%. 

PKR's Election Director, Nurul Izzah blamed the defeat to racial and slanderous allegation against her father. PN unfairly accused Anwar for allegedly compromising on the Palestine cause and repeating past allegation of succumbing to IMF 

Penang Chief Minister Chow Koon Yeow immediately conceded defeat. He acknowledged public backlash towards urgently necessary subsidy rationalisation, rise in cost of living, basic public amenities problems, and failure to communicate. 

Problems with water, road condition, vernacular school request, and pig rearing cannot be redirected blame towards PAS. It takes a different significance when the 16,000 majority Nibong Tebal MP was appointed full Minister. 

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Salam Maal Hijrah

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Friday, July 5, 2024


When I get older losing my hair
Many years from now
Will you still be sending me a Valentine
Birthday greetings bottle of wine

If I'd been out till quarter to three
Would you lock the door
Will you still need me, will you still feed me
When I'm sixty-four

You'll be older too
And if you say the word
I could stay with you

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Competitiveness had been sliding since 2010

Recently, a political friend passed a remark, "Sudah lain macam" for our assessment on the state of the nation and public reaction to inflation and rationalisation of fuel subsidy. He noticed a difference in  attitude and defensive tone towards Anwar's policy. 

Admittedly this blogger is not as political as we used to be. Whether it is in this blog or personal Facebook, stance taken has been less partisan and as much as possible, refrain from engaging in usual political brickbats.

The fiscal numbers does not add up. And, the economic environment is challenging and uncertain. It certainly has nothing to do with any change in attitude towards IMF neoliberal policies or political conversion to Anwar's PKR.  

The alarming part is prior to GE15, a former Minister confided his concern Malaysia could be heading Sri Lanka way. 

Ever since, the primary concern is the state of the nation's economy and politics take a back seat. More so, the economy is struggling to come out of the 2018 mistake, post Covid-19 pandemics, and global conflicts. 

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Is GIP needed because China's BRI fund dried up?

The political public chose to ignore the poser made in this blog's May 30th posting, "Beyond Blackrock and Zionism: Taking MAHB private". They remained worked up understandably driven by the Gaza genocide sentiment and provocation by Dr Mahathir and Khairy Jamaluddin

Attempts to get some answers from those with access to Khazanah seemed futile. Thus far, its basically the usual corporate communication shit of saying a lot of things and in fanciful jargons, but tells nothing outside the usual cliche narratives. 

More so, the poor communication by the present Unity Government with Fahmi Fadzil as the glowing poster boy for freedom of expression on social media contributes much to mislead and raise public scepticism of government policies and initiatives. 

No government entity took the effort to engage and fulfill this blogger's desire to know why the Global Infrastructure Partner (GIP) route was taken for an impending corporate and presumably, fund raising exercise? 

And, why was UEM positioned as holding company for the MAHB shares warehoused under the Khazanah-EPF controlled consortium, Gateway Development Alliance (GDA)?  

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[Updated] Diverting JMB Scandal's court decision next week

There is a High Court date before Dato Wan Farid on Monday July 1st with regard to the JMB Scandal in Segambut which implicated the MP for Kepong, Lim Lip Eng. With the fact of the case in order and the formalities already done, a swift decision is expected. 

The "illegal" Joint Management Body (JMB) of Icon Residence is trying hard to obstruct the legal transfer of management to the Management Committee (MC) through appeals, application of stay and judicial reviews.

Time is not on their side because the Tribunal Court have decided on April 5th that JMB is illegal and it should be dissolve within three months from the date of the first AGM on February 22nd which is May 22nd. 

A request of stay have been dismissed by the High Court on May 3rd. 

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Friday, June 28, 2024

ASEAN rail network, Kra landbridge and JS-SEZ

On June 18 recently, Chinese Premier, Li Qiang made a three day official visit to Malaysia. The visit coincided with the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relation between Malaysia and China which started between the Dato Najib's father, the late Tun Abdul Razak and Mao Tze Tong in 1974. 

There was a slew of deals signed and durians are now allowed to be exported to China to mark the renewal of a five year economic cooperation pact. Though not as much as the US in terms of FDI, China is the most important trading partner of Malaysia. Trade is the heart of the half century of economic ties

There was whispers and speculation that the reception from China side was not as warm. It was not Xi Jin Peng but instead his Prime Minister. Perhaps, Malaysia is not in China's BRI grandplan with the US vehicle GIP making inroad into the airport sector

The speculation can be put to rest. China's involvement in the development of Malaysia's rail system will continue beyond the ECRL. 

Media today reported on the launch of the Asean Express. 

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Exposed! Lies of MATCVS, RCS Edin, Dr Rafidah, Kevin Yii, Dr Hanafiah, and PP proponents

When it was revealed that the Malaysian Association of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (MATCVS) was illegally conducting the FRCS "haram" education on behalf for Royal College of Surgeon, Edinburgh (RCS Edin) under the Parallel Pathway program, there was initial denial from them. 

Subsequently, MATCVS via their fellow fraternity, College of Surgeon Malaysia (COSM) and Academy of Medicine Malaysia (AMM) took responsibility for it. This is illegal and should be brought to court because they are not approved institution of higher learning under the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). 

As a result, the PP graduates could not get their diploma accredited by the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). More so, the diploma was by a foreign institution, RCS Edin thus must be accredited by the UK's General Medical Council for MMC to recognise.       

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Beyond vaccine's AEFI, PP is another mess of Noor Hisham

When Noor Hisham's mess started ...

Not many is aware, the budget for the teaching hospitals in this country were slashed few years ago. It happened before Tan Sri Nor Hisham Abdullah introduced the Parallel Pathway in his so-called attempt to shortcut the process of producing more medical specialist.

PP used up the budget of Ministry of Health (MOH), which is not responsible for medical education but that of Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). Budget meant for public health were diverted into areas which is not supposed to be spent by MOH and compromised public health well beings. 

Since this issue will be addressed in Parliament, Member of Parliaments should be looking into the implication on the budget and not narrowly channeled by what was briefed to them. Its practically attempt by MOH to kill off medical education of local Universities. 

As the next Parliament sssion draws near, the same happening as before and reported by this blog in earlier postings is happening.

Proponents of PP attempted to confuse the public to deflect the weakness on the accredition of PP, bad planning of MOH, lack of assessment and monitoring for academic quality, and the more serious matter of patients' safety

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

[Up-dated] JMB scandal is a China-linked scam?

Picking up from the last posting here on the KL Condo King involvement in what was described by a newly established portal as JMB scandal, the blog Makcik Kiah here hinted that the JMB Cartel operators allegedly scheming off management fee at Icon Residence may not be Malaysians.

A source claim that the Assistant to MP for Kepong and former MP for Segambut, Chua Choon Yin and JMB Treasurer, Seow Choo Kiong may not be Malaysians. They neither could understand and speak Malay and English, nor converse in any local Chinese dialects spoken in Malaysia. 

They only speak Mandarin, which according to the observation of a Malaysian Chinese, it is not the Mandarin spoken by Malaysians, but that of Chinese in China. 

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Friday, June 14, 2024

KL Condo King cartel in Hannah Yeoh's Segambut

This morning, there was a report made by the representative of Icon residents at the MACC headquarter against the management company of their condominum. 

This report came about after (so-called) Human Rights Group, Lawyer for Liberty (LFL) lambasted MACC for arresting a lawyer and his clients earlier on Tuesday June 11th. The lawyer, Lai Chee How questioned MACC for raiding his office on June 4th. (read Edge here). 

It's the usual stunt of activists group to cover one of their own using the technicality of the law especially to cover up alleged involvement in criminal activities. 

Tan Sri Azam Baki explained that Lai was being investigated for embezzlement and abuse of power in his role as former Chairman of a Joint Management Committee of a condominium. He is a suspect in the embezzlement from the management and maintenance account, 

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

NEWSBREAKER! Secret meeting at PICC today to legalise "Illegal" PP

The cabinet has yet to meet the discuss the amendment to legalise the "illegal" Parallel Pathway medical specialist training program conducted in Malaysia and by Malaysian but qualification issued UK colleges and not recognised under the law. 

It came to this blogger's attention that a secret meeting is being organised for today at the Putrajaya International Convention Centre between 2.30 pm  4.30 pm. The meeting is described as secret for  reason only those parties for the "illegal" Parallel Pathway is invited, including those outside the ambit of the Ministry of Health (MOH). 

The invitation sighted by this blogger is a circular from MOH signed by Dato Dr Mohd Azman bin Yaacob, Pengarah Perkembangan Perubatan, Kementerian Kesihatan with the status as "SEGERA DAN SULIT"

According to the circular, the MOH and MOHE had submitted a joint Memorandum to the Cabinet to amend Medical Act 1971 (Act 50) under the pretext to streamline the process to recognise and register Medical Specialist. In other word, it is intended to legalise the "illegal" PP program. 

The invitation today is a briefing by the Division acting as Secretariat together with the Legal Adviser of MOH. The letter was cc'ed to the various senior position holders of MOH. 

The academics invited came from the Academy of Medicine (AMM), Malaysian Medical Association (MMA), The Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia (APHM), The Malaysian Association for Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery (MATCVS), Malaysian Urological Association (MUA), Academy of Family Physicians Malaysia (AFPM), Family Medicine Specialist Association (FMSA), and The Malaysian-Ireland Training Programme for Family Medicine (MITPFM).

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Parallel Pathway: SG advising cabinet conflicted?

Its been a while since this blog delve into the Parallel Pathway issue. Last was on May 8th in the posting, "Proofs MATVS lied and made fraudulent claim". 

There is a claim that two of the four completed trainee of Parallel Pathway (PP) program got a job abroad. Never mind they are Malay, Dr Rafidah Abdullah and Dr Hanafiah Harunarashid should explain as to how could that be when FRCS Edin for PP is not recognised by UK's GMC?     

Off late there have been a new strategy by these revolting group of doctors to blame and find fault with the time honoured processes of the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) and Malaysian Qualifying Agency (MQA). 

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Is Murray Hunter linked to and funded by Kalimullah, NMY?

On Wednesday June 5th, Murray Hunter issued a strongly worded statement against MCMC Chairman entitled "Salem the censorship czar". He took the opportunity of the uproar over MCMC blocking FBs criticising and calling on Hannah Yeoh to resign. 

Sources deep inside MCMC claimed Salem is not at fault, but that is not the issue of this posting. 

Yesterday June 8th, Sabahkini2 portal lashed at Murray, as written in Malay, "Sekatan laman sesawang, mengapa Murray Hunter sakit hati dengan Tan Sri Salim Pengerusi SKMM?"

The Sabah based portal had issue with the former UUM lecturer turned Bangkok based paid writer since their December last year posting, "An Australian in Thailand who is obsessed with Malaysia". They reported on a police report made against him in May

Sabahkini2 invited curiousity for calling on MACC to investigate Kalimullah and Nor Mohamed Yakcop from out of the blue. It is strange to group them as Pak Lah's cronies in the next day posting, "MACC's selective pursuit: A blind eye towards Pak Lah's cronies".   

This is in a matter of hours from the earlier posting, thus is there a connection between Kalimullah and Nor Yakcop with Murray?

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Hamzah's plan to outmanouvre House Speaker

There is a rumour going around of something big could happen in the next Parliament seating when Opposition Leader, Dato Seri Hamzah Zainuddin put a motion to demand for the seats of 6 "sacked PPBM MPs" be declared vacant

The opposition expect the House Speaker Tan Sri Dato' Johari Abdul will not. Apparently Hamzah has planned a countermove using the same weapon and loophole in the Anti Hopping Act which Tan Sri Muhyiddin failed to exploit post GE15.

There will be speculation that it is Hamzah's respond to his son being charged for corruption. Any keen observers of politics knows it is only expected of him. Before the posting on the ensuing American leadership dilemma ariding from Donald Trump's conviction from his sexual tryst with a pornstar, this blog commented so of Hamzah

Mentioned in passing:
Despite all that happened, Hamzah remain relentless in his political manouvres against his old nemesis, Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Another Sheraton Move type of manovering is still being expected from Hamzah.  

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Thursday, June 6, 2024

Trump's 2006 tryst with a pornstar, What a mess!

Trump Guilty Of Falsifying Payment To Porn Star But He Still Can Become President And Here's What Will Happen Next

May 31st, 2024 by financetwitter

A jury of five women and seven men found former U.S. President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 charges of falsifying business records to cover up money payments to a porn star. After the verdict, Trump went berserk and said – “I am a very innocent man. This was a rigged, disgraceful trial. This was done by the Biden administration in order to hurt a political opponent”.

Stormy Daniels now becomes the first porn star at the centre of Trump’s criminal conviction that not only could see the first former president sentenced to probation or up to 4 years on each count in state prison – with a maximum of 20 years – but also plunges the nation into uncharted waters. While Trump can still run and could even win the 2024 presidency, his chances are now greatly affected.

Trump got into trouble when he paid 45-year-old Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford, a staggering US$130,000 to stay silent about their sexual encounter, a payment scheme disguised as reimbursement to former lawyer and personal fixer Michael Cohen as legal expenses to hide the hush money. Prosecutor said doing so violated election rules, which amounted to “election fraud” prior to the 2016 election.

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Son face second criminal charge, can Hamzah remain steady?

Believe it or not, there are "orang UMNO" looking up to Dato Hamzah Zainuddin in awe. Not so much of him getting picked as Opposition Leader despite not being Chairman of PN or PAS hold more seat than PPBM. 

Perhaps they are impress that Hamzah, which at one time was viewed as not of Minister material, is now dubbed as a possible successor to Tan Sri Muhyuddin. 

More accurately, Hamzah is a contender to Azmin Ali, who seemed to be the preference of Muhyiddin and Mahathir to lead PPBM and PN. No PAS, it is not Dr Samsuri. 

As then Home Minister, Hamzah held the position with an iron fist to hold control over police and various enforcement agencies under his charge. The network he developed worked to his advantage as "political strategist" in his capacity as Secretary General for PPBM and PN. 

Hamzah is seen as steady despite a series of investigation on him in various personal and official capacity. Hamzah's former political secretary was recently charged for receiving bribe for RM350,000 involving a police tender presumably during Hamzah's stint as Home Minister under PN government. 

Today his son, Faisal Hamzah is being charged for receiving corruption for RM100,000 involving Heitech Padu

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hannah Yeoh: A case of Murphy's Law

Recently, two KLIA Royal Custom officer was charged in court for accepting bribes in amounts less than RM10,000 for over few years. 

A small sum in these days where billions are being squandered. It helped dispel the accusation that the RM19,000 MACC case against Perlis MB's son and Hadi Awang's son-in-law as political nitpicking. The RM600,000 case is standing by. 

The size of the financial consideration may not determine an offender get charged or get away scot free. Perhaps, the attention that the offense attracted could be the reason. 

For instance, had the owner of Lagenda Properties, whose shares went limit down last week, try to "buy" their way out of the illegal sales of subdivided Malay Reserve land as developed homes to non-Bumiputera, the case attracts too much attention to get KIV-ed.  

Blackrock participation in the offer bid on MAHB attracted attention. But it is too complex a corporate deal for political opposition the likes of PAS and Bersatu to put their finger. They will miss the point, thus could not sustain public attention. It will eventually die off.   

If there is no exact science in raising issues that will attract public attention, Perhaps it is merely the game of chance as observed in Murphy's Law: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Sometime it is described as "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time." 

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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Beyond Blackrock and Zionism: Taking MAHB private

The recent uproar over the presence of Blackrock as shareholder in GIP, one of the consortium partner making a general offer to turn Malaysia Airport Holding Berhad (MAHB) private had diverted public attention from the more pertinent issues surrounding the corporate exercise. 

Though the instigation by PPBM Youth leader Wan Fayshal is understandably due to Blackrock CEO denouncement of the October 7th 2023 Hamas attack on Israel but went silent to genocidal response by  Israel, it diverted attention from the more pertinent questions.

Why turn MAHB private? What added benefit of bringing in ADIA and GIP into the privatisation consortium? Was Blackrock investment in GIP from its non-discretionary account and acting as client's proxy? Is there a beneficiary?

Putting the politics aside for a while, the appearance of the world's largest Fund Manager in the USD3.9 billion exercise created excitement in the local financial market. 

After languishing from three attempts to surpass 4.80, the US-MYR plunged from 4.75 level to strengthen ringgit as high as 4.68 within a short period in the third week of May. Market sources claimed it sparked some RM500 million of foreign fund pouring into the local stock market daily. 

As an index-linked Fund Manager, it is only expected of Blackrock to already have exposure in a portfolio of key Malaysian shares. Apparently, they have direct investment in utilities and mining company in Kelantan, the state where Wan Fayshal's constituency lies. 

If there is legitimate reasons and nothing terribly suspicious, the communication by Khazanah or ultimately the Ministry of Finance should have been more transparent. Yes, seeking answer from Ministry of Transport is the wrong address. 

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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

"Keluar Sekejap" to "Masuk Balik" or "Reformasi!"?

Joceline Tan's Saturday's column was mischevous. She gave a glowing picture of Dato Mohamed Hasan in the important support role he provided to Prime Minister Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim as Foreign Minister. 

Initially it was thought she was nudging Tok Mat to make his next political step. It took a different turn when she could not resist a peck at his supporting role as Deputy President to UMNO President Dato Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. 

In the same breath, she touched on Khairy Jamaluddin, Tok Mat's estranged former Deputy Division leader sacked by the party after the 15th General Election. 

Coincidentally, an UMNO Supreme Council member from Negeri Sembilan, Jalaluddin Alias reportedly mentioned those removed by the party will be considered a second chance to return to the party. 

Isham Jalil was too full himself to assume it was about him and was immediately brushed off by Dato Dr Puad Zarkashi. Recently he could not get an "audience" with Najib in his last appearance at Jalan Duta court. That is telling of his current political value. 

UMNO Secretary General Datok Dr Asyraf Wajidi downplayed Jalaluddin's remark as nothing abnormal, but a columnist in FMT seemed in sync with Joceline Tan's insinuation that Keluar Sekejap will be making a move to Masuk Balik.   

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dubai: Playground for Malaysian money launderers, drug lords, terrorist funder and criminals?

Last week, viral on social media that over 300 Malaysians are property owner in Dubai, including on the  the David Beckham associated Palm Jumeirah artificial islands and on the world's tallest structure, Burj Al Khalifa.

It was a report by Dubai Unlocked, an investigative project involving 70 global news groups including our local Malaysiakini. 

According to The Sun report, "it is learnt from the 500 properties linked to Malaysians, more than 300 are classified as residential properties by economists at the EU Tax Observatory and Norway’s Centre for Tax Research, who worked on the leaked data separately.

"Furthermore, economists reportedly estimated the residential properties owned by Malaysians alone as per the leaked data would be worth US$160.9 million (RM710 million) in 2022" and "Malaysian-owned residential properties are worth a total of US$320 million (RM1.5 billion) city-wide."

Rakyat Post report reproduced on alleged that most people who owned property in Dubai are of shady character. The reports reproduced below:

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Sanction threat: US in-denial of changing world order

Last week on May 9th, the US Treasury Undersecretary Brian Nelson came to Malaysia to meet Home Minister, Dato Saifuddin Nasution to discuss a security matter but sugar coated as "focus on unified global response to threat" and "environmental risks" concern. 

There were Malaysian businessmen nervously reading it as a sanction threat against Malaysia. Their suspicion being why an American civil servant not meet their civil servant counterpart at the Treasury, but with the Minister in charge of security had it not to deliver a message from their political master?

Saifuddin expressed willingness to engage with the US but he "nicely" told them off. Malaysia took the bold position that as a sovereign nation and member of the United Nation, it has the right in its refusal to recognise unilateral sanction towards another sovereign state and will only support a UN-endorsed sanction. 

Malaysians, who understood the potentially serious implication it could have on the Malaysian economy, had cold feet to Saifuddin's reply and Anwar's "dangerous game" to meet Hamas leaders in Qatar yesterday

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Thursday, May 9, 2024

To raise or not to raise, that is the question

The Star Online carried a feature; Time for minimum wage above RM2,000 and More poor kids in KL go hungry as food soars, on the calls by a PH MP and Youth group last year for the minimum wage of RM2,000. [The articles will be reproduced at the end of this posting].

The complain on the low salary and wages especially for the lower income have been getting much louder as government announced the withdrawal of fuel subsidy will commenced soon. 

Economics Minister Rafizi Ramli announced progressive wage plan for private sector salary revision last year, but the pilot program will only take off in June. It leads to the question of should the fuel subsidy be withdrawn after salary adjustment made first or as the case will be, withdraw followed by the adjustment. 

God knows when the full implementation of progressive wage, if it ever is to be implemented. For the private sector, salary adjustment will inextricably be linked to productivity and company's financial performance. 

In the meanwhile, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim have committed to comment in last year's budget presentation that the civil service is long overdue for a salary revision. On labour day, he announced a 13% and some say up to 15% salary revision. 

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Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Proofs MATCVS lied and made fraudulent claims

In "MATVS made fraudulent claim", this blog reproduced their claim as reported by Star Online. 

Their claims are false and fraudulent! Consequently, Prof Raja Amin responded to request them to show proof of their claims. 

It has come to our attention that the existence of correspondances from RCS Ed and UK's GMC as proofs to confirm Raja Amin's claims. Even the questions raised by yours truly is affirmed as true. The snippets of the correspondances are shared. 

Firstly, Prof Raja Amin response to MATVCS in Codeblue below:

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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Down to voters' turnout at KKB

Picking up where we left off on the Kuala Kubu Bharu by-election a week and a half ago after a week of campaigning, thus far, our take then has not been too far off. 

The result has no implication to the status of the present state or federal governments, but a loss to the incumbent PH will be a setback to the Unity Government (UG) in facing upcoming elections, and add worries for the general election in years to come. 

KKB is the first test case for a mixed constituency which is the mainstay of PH and an area PN need to penetrate to be a serious contender. 

It would be of interest to observe how UG manouvre to clawback the lost Malay ground from its lowest ebb. The usual political process seemed extraordinarily challenging under the current economic and geopolitical environment.

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dear Dr Rafidah Abdullah CC: Putrajaya Police Officer

In reference to this blog's April 23rd posting, "MATCVS made fraudulent claim", it has apparently  attracted a reaction from your goodself.

The article was about the claim made by the medical NGO, MATCVS which have been extensively referred in previous postings on the Parallel Pathway Program of the Ministry of Health as reported by the Star.

In passing, your name was mentioned in relation to the onslaught against the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) and let me requote below with the word "could" emboldened:

Perhaps because one member of MMC, namely nephrologist at Hospital Putrajaya whose undivided loyalty to the illegal Parallel Pathway program, could unethically blast her fellow council member publicly in which she is bound by law to secrecy and ethical practise to respect the collective agreement of the council. 

Usually wayward member of any such Board can be suspended and believe MMC should rightly do so. 

There is no slander or fitnah, because according to the Oxford Dictionary found online, "could" is a verb and past for can to mean 1. used to indicate possibility or 2. used in making suggestion or polite request in which the meaning is the former than the latter and mere possibility. 

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Jasmine Loo: Prosecution's questionable key witness

Former 1MDB lawyer Jasmine Loo was first charged in absentia in December 2018 when she was accused of laundering US$5 million and US$999,975, being proceeds of unlawful activity received into the account of River Dee International SA (BVI) in Falcon Private Bank AG in Zurich, but to date the charges have yet to be pursued, giving rise to speculations about a possible deal with the authorities

KUALA LUMPUR — 1MDB former general counsel, Jasmine Loo Ai Swan, has yet to be charged for crimes committed under Section 179© of the Capital Markets and Services Act, giving rise to the speculation that she may have struck a deal with the prosecution to give evidence against former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Jasmine Loo however reiterated today that she had not agreed to take the stand as a witness against Datuk Seri Najib Razak in exchange for ongoing criminal charges against her to be discontinued.

Loo, who is the 50th prosecution witness, said this under cross-examination in the High Court by Najib’s defence lawyer Tania Scivetti during Najib’s trial for misappropriation of RM2.27 billion in 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds.

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Monday, April 29, 2024

Spirit of Rukun Negara and perceived polarisation

Reviving the spirit of Rukun Negara

Star Online, Monday, 29 Apr 2024

A SEJAHTERA Malaysia forum on social harmony and national unity is being held today in Kuala Lumpur and I have been asked to speak about “Understanding the Rukun Negara”.

Given the recent acrimony and lawlessness about the “socks issue”, I believe it is pertinent for all of us to remind ourselves of our Rukun Negara.

This blueprint for national unity was drafted in 1970 after the race riots on May 13, 1969.

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

"Rabble rouser" without a cause

Few days ago, UMNO President and Deputy Prime Minister, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said something that may have annoyed certain UMNO supporters. 

At a party Hari Raya event in Hulu Selangor near the upcoming Kuala Kubu Baru by-election to be held, Zahid said UMNO should accept the reality it is no more dominant and should learn to adapt

It is similar to the reality Malay right wing have difficulty accepting that the Malay's majority is not overwhelming at 58% of the population and in 6 states, Malays are either minority or marginal majority. 

With Malay politically segmented along different political ideologies, parties and special interest, the Malay narratives once championed by a dominant UMNO is not politically viable with the current demography.    

This relates to the attempt by UMNO Youth Chief, Dr Akmal Salleh to regain the rural Malay support lost to Perikatan using the recent KKMart boycott affair as his cause celebre and claimed it as his Islamic calling. 

It may seemed he personally benefitted politically with overwhelming praises from similar thinking Malays for voicing something they wanted to hear, but is it sustainable?

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

MATVCS made fraudulent claim

After three DAP wakil rakyat made statements in their respective houses, its obvious that the illegally put together specialist medical training program inititive by Ministry of Health, which ignored established procedures and law under the Medical Act and Malaysia Qualifying Agency Act to be run by a medical NGO of non-academic medical practitioners guised as a specialist association, is now a DAP agenda. 

DAP Agenda have a tendency to be anti-establishment in nature and serves the interest of a certain ethnic group or tendency to oppose well established norms and practises in place to the credit of a certain ethnic group.   

Adding to it, DAP portal Financial Twitter, which yesterday could go scot free for making 3R insults of the former Agong, the Sultan Pahang by Fahmi Fadzil's MCMC is today doing an onslaught of the Malaysian Medical Council, the legal guardian against academic fraud practising as medical experts. 

Perhaps because one member of MMC, namely nephrologist at Hospital Putrajaya whose undivided loyalty to the illegal Parallel Pathway program, could unethically blast her fellow council member publicly in which she is bound by law to secrecy and ethical practise to respect the collective agreement of the council. 

Usually wayward member of any such Board can be suspended and believe MMC should rightly do so. 

Today MATVS the NGO operating as a "haram" educational institution to train Medical Specialist equivalent to Masters degree made false claim. 

Update 1:00 PM 5/5/2024: Dear Dr Faridah Abdullah CC Putrajaya Police Officer

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Monday, April 22, 2024

Indian to be kingmaker at KKB

KKB by-election will test the political mood


Star Online Saturday, 20 Apr 2024

The peaceful outpost of Kuala Kubu Baru is about to be stirred and shaken in a by-election that could reflect the swirling political sentiments in Selangor

THE late Kuala Kubu Baharu (KKB) assemblyman Lee Kee Hiong was not a standout figure in Selangor politics.

Some journalists who reported on her death from cancer had wondered what it was about her that resulted in so many DAP leaders weeping over her coffin and paying their respects at her wake.

Lee was an arch loyalist of Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang whom she got to know back in Melaka where she grew up. She began her political career managing the DAP headquarters in Petaling Jaya and became quite powerful in her own way because she had the ears of the DAP maestro.

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Monday, April 8, 2024

When only a "Safe" Hari Raya wish could be expressed ....

The usual customary greeting for Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is the familiar "Selamat Hari Raya". For the festivity greeting, "Selamat" means happy as in Happy Hari Raya similar to Happy New Year or Happy Deepavali greetings.

"Selamat" also means secure or safe. The Ramadan celebration was, to put it mildly, not as its usual celebration with food prices and pasar Ramadan offerings prices skyrocketed. Operators of Bazaar Ramadan and Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman pasar malam felt the pinch. 

The rising food prices was a result of disrupted supply chain during the Covid and worsened by the Russia-Ukraine war in Europe. It has not gotten any better with the Gaza genocide followed by another supply chain disruption at the Red Sea. Now drought is adding to the problem or in the new term being used these days, climate change problem.  

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Friday, April 5, 2024

Not whether consumer price rise, but how much?

Economists: Targeted fuel subsidies will impact consumers



Star Online Thursday, 04 Apr 2024

PETALING JAYA: As Putrajaya pushes on with the implementation of the Central Database Hub (Padu), the immediate issue that jumps into the minds of Malaysians is another impending “unavoidable” – the targeted petrol subsidy initiative.

Or rather, it can be said that the public is concerned about the inevitable inflationary effects that will follow when the government reduces its petrol subsidies to a significant portion of the population.

Economists are unanimous that petrol subsidy rationalisation is almost certainly going to bring about a general increase in the prices of goods and services, and even the World Bank Group is estimating that a complete removal of fuel subsidies is likely to cause a 9% increase in consumer prices.

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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

MOH, MOHE inadvertently admitted PP a scam and illegal

Push come to shove, the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd) could not keep their silence and let the locals do their bidding. FMT here reported RCSEd President Rowan W Parks writing to the Minister of Health.  

RCSEd had to express their dismay to cover-up before their "Medical Scam" is blown wide open. Despite intense efforts by the colluding "Medical Scam syndicate" the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) was not falling to the snake oil charm of RCSEd to deceptively peddle their "illegal" FRCS International diploma.

The syndicate includes MATVCS, Malaysian College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, Deans of Medical Faculties of several colluding Universities, IJN, former DG of MOH, current Deputy DG of MOH (who signed a gazettement which is an old trick and mistake), private practitioners, DAP politicians, and most recently Malaysia Medical Association.

Sadly, both the Minister of Health and Minister of Higher Education responded to the letter to oblige by stooping and kow-towing to RCSEd to announce swift amendment to the Medical Act as solution for the Parallel Pathway to get registrated as specialist. 

Inadvertently, the Ministers confirmed that PP was a scam and illegal from the onset. It needed an amendment to the law for a resolution to the impasse. MMC was never a stumbling block or Little Napolean. It was the law. 

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